
…communicating across cultures where symbols systems are distinct enough to alter the communication experience.




At the top of the Communication Staircase awaits the experience of effective and transformative cross-cultural exchange. It is the premise of HCI that the effective and transformative communicator at this level is one that has mastered the basic communication skills in all other arenas to effectively function on step seven. Only in knowing self, can we hope to know and respect others. The variety of perspective in the cross-cultural exchange makes this communication experience unlike most others where there is often a similar point of view and patterns of communicating. Creating cultural bridges within the organization requires awareness, understanding, knowledge and empathy.



Click on each one for details.

What is your comfort level within a culturally diverse communication environment? Whose opinion do you value? What preconceived notions do you carry about others into the communication setting? How do you measure the worth of self and others during the communication experience? It is our culture and cultural perceptions that create the dynamics of communicating with “strangers”;. Learn the skills of Intercultural Communication and increase your global awareness. Positive Diversity Training that makes a difference!

Civic Leaders, Peace Officers, Community Activist, Community Members will gain valuable knowledge of communication as both an art and science by learning how to communicate effectively within the sensitive arena of civic engagement. Effective engagement means to first understand the complexities of Human Communication and then confidently and effectively communicate their ideas, manage impressions and productively move towards mutually beneficial goals.

Provides training creating a cross-cultural bridge effectively connecting doctors, health service providers, patients, and family members. We have established a “two-prong” approach to assist the health care organization improve delivery to those who may be experiencing “culture shock” often rendering them incapable of fully engaging in the process of their own healing.

This series provides on-site training for potential and new hires necessitating Verbal and Nonverbal communication skills appropriate to workplace environments. All patterns of Communication came from within an individual’s perspective of the world around them (worldview), this includes patterns of expression verbally and nonverbally. As a result, interacting effectively with those perceived as “other” can be difficult and non-productive. There are COMMUNICATION tools that support and value ALL perspectives that advance organizational goals while valuing divergent thinking necessary to organizational efficiency.

Learn to support the transformation of self (first), family, organization, team, and advocates to a mindset that inspires personal responsibility and collective support of each contributing member and the mission. Why? When you lead a team inspired to bring their individual best for the collective good because you have, how not?

This clinic is designed to bring awareness to the subtle cultural nuances that play a role in determining a person’s perspective while engaging in evaluative processes such as interviewing and appraisals. It is through our preferences that we examine others. This clinic helps individuals get in touch with hidden personal preferences and biases that affect everyone and often subtly infiltrate our communication experiences. The purpose is to strengthen an institutions ability to see the value of true diversity while arming participants with much needed communication skills within a diverse organization.

(CCC) is a multi-layered approach to supporting advocates, families, communities and organizations using the tools of Human Communication to advance advocacy, belonging, healing, and cross-cultural understanding within the communication climate.

These culture-specific clinics focus on a primary agent coming into critical contact with others with whom they do not share the same message systems. Clinic provides specific knowledge and awareness of customs and patterns of behavior that directly affect the type and manner in which service may be provided. Example Competency Clinics include:

  • Cultural Competency for Service Providers
  • Cultural Competency for Educators
  • Cultural Competency for Health Care Professionals
  • Cultural Competency for Law Enforcement Agencies
  • Cultural Competency for International Travelers

This is an introductory clinic into the role of divergent thinking in communication practices towards the advancement of desired output – benefitting the collective. Introduction of critical terms such as: organizational values, divergent thinking, assimilation vs acculturation, organizational belonging and value, self-perception, worldview, individualism vs collectivism, all vital to productivity within culturally complex organizations.

This Clinic specifically examines the role of seven (7) basic U.S. values on the institutions of U.S. Socio-Economics, Politics, Religion, Health Care, and Education. By understanding the Dominant Culture (Western) value-system, cultural patterns, and how they differ from their own, clients are better able to understand, access, and positively navigate their new surroundings thus diminishing the debilitating effects of culture shock. The module includes both verbal and nonverbal practices.

This clinic is designed for immigrant and migrant persons needing to understand the cultural values, customs and traditions of the United States in an effort to speed the process of culture shock to stabilization into productivity. Teaches the basics of major social systems as they reflect the cultural perspective of the U.S. Interpreter assisted if needful.

How Women and Men communicate differently include biological factors of sex and sociological factors of gender conditioning. Understand how these issues affect Work Relationships, Task Management and Listening Skills. Learn to understand the gender communication dynamics of rapport versus report talk; linear versus circular communication and empathetic listening.Offers vital communication skills for the gender diverse environment.

This clinic challenges the notion of Diversity and its true face in corporate America. Offers paradigms of successful incorporation of global perspectives and patterns of structuring interaction that differ from the linear, analytical structure of interaction.

Examines culture-specific patterns of business negotiations including nonverbal communication, pacing, gift giving, formality and other key issues of communicating cross-culturally while doing business.

Introduces the Communication Staircase Model™ as a comprehensive training program designed to address communication as the most important instrument of organizational leadership. The communication climate of any institution embodies a minimum of seven (7) distinct communication settings. These settings are the context in which all workplace communication experiences take place. Each communication setting offers a vital and unique contribution to the organizational culture and its bottom-line effectiveness. It is important that the effectual executive become knowledgeable of these key communication settings and how they function interdependently. Each communication arena affects every member and every characteristic of the organization. The Leadership IS Communication series provides invaluable training for Leaders and any member of mid-level to Senior Management.

Offer participants the opportunity to examine, reflect AND alter communication patterns that support or damage personal, social, and professional desires to self-actualize! These consultations focus strictly on how communication is THE MOST IMPORTANT key to an individual’s success in ALL areas of life. It introduces the SCIENCE of communication as well as the ART of speech and the understanding of how EVERYONE is participating in their life-scape whether they know it or not! FIND OUT and achieve the DREAM!

This workshop is designed to help organizational members learn the skill of active listen from a “global perspective” to recognize diverse voices and concerns within the organization while supporting the organizational mission and create a productive communication climate.

This Intercultural Communication clinic examines the role our society and heritage play in formulating our self-image. Our self-esteem can often be related to our cultural-esteem determined by the messages the dominant culture has provided concerning our cultural heritage and its value. Participants are encouraged to develop a healthy sense of cultural self-worth and identity armed with knowledge and respect for self and others!

This clinic is offered for Human Resource Diversity Specialist and other diversity practitioners expanding their repertoire of training methods. Intercultural Communication offers participants specific skills and knowledge of how to communicate across cultures effectively. These skills are immediately applicable to personal and professional communication experiences.

Learn how to recognize the role Emotional Contagion plays in all Human Communication exchange, and the need to mitigate the power of Emotional Transference™! This tool is vital to understanding and creating a positive/productive Communication Climate at home, work and play!

Environmental Diplomats Encouraging Nature™: The E.D.E.N. Project exposes youth to a mentoring network of Environmental and Energy Saving Professionals conscious of the need for innovative solutions that utilize the tools of communication through active participation and cooperation with inter-generational solutions to living in global harmony with others and nature. The Intercultural Step brings participants full circle to their conscious relationship with nature and others that share the planet’s resources. Cross-cultural awareness and understanding are fostered by the myriad of programs offered through the E.D.E.N. Café gathering place, E.D.E.N. Voices and the Diplomat Leadership Program.

Creating Bridges of Understanding: Youth and the Cross-Cultural Experience – Diversity is a word most youth grow up with. Their world is full of strangers. They tend to be more empathetic to differences. But unfortunately, their worlds are also full of the stereotypes and biases of the generations before them. How does the generation today answer back to the bigotry of yesterday? Come and enjoy this highly interactive clinic examining being true to your ideals while respecting others. “Is it possible to Love everyone?”

Cultural Esteem: Pride for Self and Empathy for Others – Learn the importance of self-worth and respect for your heritage and the heritage of others. Examine the commonality we all have as humanity while we explore the wonders of diversity!

Teens Unite to Fight Fear!: Most violence and hatred comes from a lack of understanding the mutual need that most have to be heard and understood. We need to face and communicate our fears. This clinic mentors teens to create their own mediation panel to tackle in-group disciplinary problems and offer communal solutions.