Small Group/ Organizational

…dyadic communication where at least one member is attributing
meaning to the behavior of the other.
…the exchange of messages between two people.




The need for families, groups, and teams, to come together in a positive and productive manner is as old as socialization itself. Years of behavioral studies have presented methodologies that assist in the process of effective and transformative team building. From the processes of organizing group communication experiences to group problem solving methods, there are communication skills that can effectively enhance any team’s productivity and enable families to build lasting a secure relationships. Whether your needs are personal or professional, HCI specializes in helping you organize your communications and build your communication networks.



Click on each one for details.

Organizational culture is often a microcosm of the homes, communities and social lives of the individuals that make up the office pool. As such, many societal issues find their way into the organizational environment and affect the workplace directly or indirectly. How do effective and transformative managers handle the tough, sensitive issues of human lives as they affect the workplace? Issues such as: religious observance, cultural apparel, ethnic communication patterns, cultural nonverbal differences, difficult discipline issues, gender concerns, etc.

  • Writing Services: Memos, Minutes, Agendas, Business Letters, Spreadsheets
  • Meeting Facilitation
  • Robert’s Rules of Order/Parliamentarian Procedures
  • Telephone and Reception Etiquette

Civic Leaders, Peace Officers, Community Activist, Community Members will gain valuable knowledge of communication as both an art and science by learning how to communicate effectively within the sensitive arena of civic engagement. Effective engagement means to first understand the complexities of Human Communication and then confidently and effectively communicate their ideas, manage impressions and productively move towards mutually beneficial goals.

This series provides on-site training for potential and new hires necessitating Verbal and Nonverbal communication skills appropriate to workplace environments. “You take You Wherever You Go!” This is especially true when working in teams where individual perspectives and personalities must be constantly mitigated. There is a science of HOW to lead and support team dynamics with communication that advances team objectives while meeting individual goals.

The process of creating a team, a community, and productive global connections, requires cross-cultural and environmental awareness many frameworks of onboarding no longer take or have the time to provide. We do, specializing in Intercultural Communication practices advancing each participant’s individual best for the collective good. Teams can only move foward when making room for divergent thinking within collective goals. Cultural perspectives greatly influence compliance and performance. Let us help your institution create a collaborative communication climate of respect and co-opetition!

Learn to support the transformation of self (first), family, organization, team, and advocates to a mindset that inspires personal responsibility and collective support of each contributing member and the mission. Why? When you lead a team inspired to bring their individual best for the collective good because you have, how not?

(CCC) is a multi-layered approach to supporting advocates, families, communities and organizations using the tools of Human Communication to advance advocacy, belonging, healing, and cross-cultural understanding within the communication climate.

Available to ALL service industries including: Food Service, Event Planning Services, Hotel and Hospitality Services, Cosmetology, Health Care Industries, Educators, and other high-level customer contact industries. The growth and sustainability of your business depends on highly effective communicators to present your clients with the best in communication clarity, respect, and personalized engagement. Communication is not just an art but also a science. Effective Communicators are those able to combine both charisma and communication prowess!

  • Facility Procurement
  • Contract negotiations
  • Catering
  • Staging/Decorating
  • Tech, Front/Back House Staffing
  • Speakers Accommodations
  • Photography/Filming
  • Moderation – Panels, Symposiums, Guest Speakers
  • MC, Mistress of Ceremonies
  • Motivational Speaking
  • Robert’s Rules of Order Trainer

Learn the key tools necessary to effective and transformative interviewing including cover letters, applications, resumes, mock interviews, and communication tips that give you the edge.

This clinic is designed to bring awareness to the subtle cultural nuances that play a role in determining a person’s perspective while engaging in evaluative processes such as interviewing and appraisals. Helps individuals get in touch with hidden personal biases that affect everyone. Strengthens an institution ability to see the value of true diversity while arming participants with much needed communication skills within a diverse organization.

Introduces the Communication Staircase Model™ as a comprehensive training program designed to address communication as the most important instrument of organizational leadership. The communication climate of any institution embodies a minimum of seven (7) distinct communication settings. These settings are the context in which all workplace communication experiences take place. Each communication setting offers a vital and unique contribution to the organizational culture and its bottom-line effectiveness. It is important that the effectual executive become knowledgeable of these key communication settings and how they function interdependently. Each communication arena affects every member and every characteristic of the organization. The Leadership IS Communication series provides invaluable training for Leaders and any member of mid-level to Senior Management.

Offer participants the opportunity to examine, reflect AND alter communication patterns that support or damage personal, social, and professional desires to self-actualize! These consultations focus strictly on how communication is THE MOST IMPORTANT key to an individual’s success in ALL areas of life. It introduces the SCIENCE of communication as well as the ART of speech and the understanding of how EVERYONE is participating in their life-scape whether they know it or not! FIND OUT and achieve the DREAM!

This Intrapersonal & Group Communication session is a special motivational presentation designed for intimate, small group, and large audiences. Through laughter and wit, we learn to productively and respectfully communicate WHILE encouraging the individual best to come forward FOR the collective good! It is our commonalities that allow the genius waiting to happen in all of us abled, to inspire the ‘enabled’ gather in mindset of co-opetition©…WE ALL DESIRE LAUGHTER to ease and please!

“We are all more comfortable when we laugh. That’s why we want to ‘live in the laugh’. Well, let’s learn to laugh, smile, nod…together about our commonalities through the lens of seeing other. You can only see positively what you tell your mind to see positively. Smile when you safely encounter another and soon it may turn into laughter and, you know what? It’s contagious.” p.s.

*Soon to be released NEW vlog: WORDS WITS WISDOMS…an intergenerational thing, we mean thang! Thing! THANG! Whatever!

This clinic observes and critiques the communication climate of the organization. It examines the formal (management) and informal (cultural) communication systems and how things get accomplished and information circulates. Being aware of how both these channels operate is vital to your Organizational health.

Be apprised of the latest in information management. Network your systems towards maximum efficiency. Let us help you create a more efficient communications system.

Re-entering into personal and community life after incarceration or chronic homelessness is a difficult process to navigate. Because of its multifarious nature, it is impossible to address all the needs of the repatriate in most re-entry programs. One major aspect of re-entry is being able to successfully (as possible) navigate the complex communication situations that will arise on a daily basis. Family, community, old acquaintances, job needs and expectations, personal development: communication is paramount to coping with the stressors these experiences bring.

This Small Group Communication clinic takes an in-depth look at the role family, peers, and the community-at-large play in developing an individual’s self-worth. Our “wells” of development are filled with the messages received from others. These “group” messages determine how we value ourselves in comparison to others. It is important to explore the messages in our wells and cleanse them of the debilitating messages that lower self-esteem and self-worth. Heavy emphasis is placed on peer pressure and the value of self-determination.

Communicating in small groups requires knowledgeable group leaders. We train participants in the skills of moderating, facilitation, parliamentary procedures, symposiums and other group communication leadership methods. Co-opetition means bringing your individual best for the collective good.

This workshop designed to teach youth verbal and nonverbal behavior patterns appropriate to academic, social, and professional environments. From classroom decorum, to appropriate verbal volume, to restaurant appropriateness, to professional dress and other skills needed for academic, social and professional.success

Learn how to recognize the role Emotional Contagion plays in all Human Communication exchange, and the need to mitigate the power of Emotional Transference™! This tool is vital to understanding and creating a positive/productive Communication Climate at home, work and play!

Environmental Diplomats Encouraging Nature ™: The E.D.E.N. Project exposes youth to a mentoring network of Environmental and Energy Saving Professionals conscious of the need for innovative solutions that utilize the tools of communication through active participation and cooperation with inter-generational solutions to living in global harmony with others and nature. The Small Group Step provides a variety of opportunities for environmentally conscious youth to come together as diplomats for the health of the planet, including E.D.E.N. Players Theater, EARTH VOICES Youth Magazine, Environmental Innovation Projects and E.D.E.N. Global Correspondents Bureau.

Communicating Sportsmanship and Positive Competition: Competition is a way of life for most young people. They live with the stress of it everyday. This clinic helps to put a more positive perspective on competition and the need to have a healthy attitude towards it. It reinforces rules of civility and emphasizes personal competition and achievement versus comparative goals.

Communicating in Groups: Methods and Procedures including:

  • Parliamentarian Procedures
  • Creating Agendas
  • Facilitation and Leadership

Got A New Game (G.A.N.G.): Our Youth need a new game! They need tangible alternatives to the beautification and glorification of greed and self-centeredness. The American cultural value of Individualism is a necessary component of Capitalism and Free Enterprise, but it has also spawned the cultural backlash of "get them before they get me!"  The collective qualities of a caring society have all but disappeared under the guise of competition. Got A New Game assists our youth in taking a closer look at the game called “LIFE”, helping them to engage in the critical thinking, self-motivation and collective awareness vital to community health. This HCI clinic partners with community and private resources to offer tangible incentives in an effort to replace gang violence and street warfare with education and job opportunities. We must save our greatest national resource – our children.

Mediation Counsel Development: Assists organizations in putting together Young Counsels to help mediate problems within the organization; peers working with peers.

Leadership 7000: This clinic examines the major characteristics of leadership in a 7-step process that examines leadership from inside out.

Getting the Job: Interviewing Strategies – Learn the key tools necessary to effective and transformative interviewing including cover letters, applications, resumes, mock interviews, and communication tips that give you the edge.