
…the conscious and/or subconscious transfer and reception of messages, within a mutually understood communication environment,
that are not verbal.
Communication Practitioners say that as much as 93% of an individual’s believability and trust comes not from their verbal message but their visual (55%) and vocal (38%) messages. Not what you say, but HOW you say what you say. It is your nonverbal communication that sends the daily messages others respond to, positively or negatively.
Click on each one for details.
This is an introduction to the diverse world of Nonverbal Communication. The introductory clinic creates active awareness of the myriad of nonverbal factors that play a role in daily human interaction. Touch, smell, space, time, eye contact and appearance are just a few of the factors this clinic examines to assist the communicator in managing these important messages.
This series provides on-site training for potential and new hires necessitating Verbal and Nonverbal communication skills appropriate to workplace environments. It is often not “what we say” but “HOW we say what we say” including factors of appearance, vocal tone, use of time, space, etc. Nonverbal Communication is THE primary factor of the communication climate in professional environments.
Learn to support the transformation of self (first), family, organization, team, and advocates to a mindset that inspires personal responsibility and collective support of each contributing member and the mission. Why? When you lead a team inspired to bring their individual best for the collective good because you have, how not?
(CCC) is a multi-layered approach to supporting advocates, families, communities and organizations using the tools of Human Communication to advance advocacy, belonging, healing, and cross-cultural understanding within the communication climate.
This Clinic specifically examines the role of seven (7) basic U.S. values on the institutions of U.S. Socio-Economics, Politics, Religion, Health Care, and Education. By understanding the Dominant Culture (Western) value-system, cultural patterns, and how they differ from their own, clients are better able to understand, access, and positively navigate their new surroundings thus diminishing the debilitating effects of culture shock. The module includes both verbal and nonverbal practices.
Introduces the Communication Staircase Model™ as a comprehensive training program designed to address communication as the most important instrument of organizational leadership. The communication climate of any institution embodies a minimum of seven (7) distinct communication settings. These settings are the context in which all workplace communication experiences take place. Each communication setting offers a vital and unique contribution to the organizational culture and its bottom-line effectiveness. It is important that the effectual executive become knowledgeable of these key communication settings and how they function interdependently. Each communication arena affects every member and every characteristic of the organization. The Leadership IS Communication series provides invaluable training for Leaders and any member of mid-level to Senior Management.
Offer participants the opportunity to examine, reflect AND alter communication patterns that support or damage personal, social, and professional desires to self-actualize! These consultations focus strictly on how communication is THE MOST IMPORTANT key to an individual’s success in ALL areas of life. It introduces the SCIENCE of communication as well as the ART of speech and the understanding of how EVERYONE is participating in their life-scape whether they know it or not! FIND OUT and achieve the DREAM!
All environments create and respond to nonverbal stimuli. This important aspect of communication is ruled by conditioning through culture. Nonverbal arenas such as chronemics (time) or proxemics (space) play a major role in individual perspective of the organizational environment. For example, the time one might take to complete a task. It is important to understand the multifaceted areas of nonverbal communication and their impact on the communication experience.
Organizational assessment of cultural diversity. Personalized examination and discussions of how varying perspectives need to be understood and considered as they interact within the organizational dynamic. Topics such as: perception of time, space, communication style, silence, eye contact, and other arenas of nonverbal communication.
This clinic is a must for International travelers. Presenting individual and group Readiness Training as well as ongoing culture-specific clinics for Global Community Clinics. The clinic instructs concerning body language, gift-giving customs, pacing of negotiation, social protocol, religion, time, and other cultural nuances necessary to help reduce the effects of culture shock.
This Nonverbal Communication clinic examines the role body language and other nonverbal arenas play in sending and receiving messages that subject an individual to unwarranted stereotypes, negative attention and other responses that aid in building or diminishing self-worth. This is an important clinic especially for children and young adults who need to understand the vital role nonverbal communication plays in how others see and interact with them affecting every arena of their lives.
This workshop designed to teach youth verbal and nonverbal behavior patterns appropriate to academic, social, and professional environments. From classroom decorum, to appropriate verbal volume, to restaurant appropriateness, to professional dress and other skills needed for academic, social and professional success.
Learn how to recognize the role Emotional Contagion plays in all Human Communication exchange, and the need to mitigate the power of Emotional Transference™! This tool is vital to understanding and creating a positive/productive Communication Climate at home, work and play!
Environmental Diplomats Encouraging Nature™: The E.D.E.N. Project exposes youth to a mentoring network of Environmental and Energy Saving Professionals conscious of the need for innovative solutions that utilize the tools of communication through active participation and cooperation with inter-generational solutions to living in global harmony with others and nature. The Nonverbal step provides insightful workshops and programs that examine and discuss the relationship between our behavior and the health of the planet – an integral part of the E.D.E.N. Learning Tree program and E.D.E.N.
First Impression is Sometimes the Only Impression: Let us help you get ready for that difficult evaluation, interview, speech, or contest. We specialize in helping you to answer the questions correctly and create a winning profile. We coach: Senior finals, oratorical contests, college entrance interviews, job interviews, and all other forms of appraisal.
How Your Nonverbal Communication Can Make You a Winner and Popular!: Having a winning attitude and mannerisms are they keys to popularity. Want to learn how to be a true winner by creating your own movie and starring in it!? Understand how to read the nonverbal messages of others and understand how to create a winning personality to gain desired goals.